Organizations We Can Help

Organization We Can Help - Green County fundraisers for schools
We invite all types of community organizations to participate in our fundraisers. We do not require any special documentation to participate, but you must be affiliated with some type of legitimate organization. We have detailed a list of common groups that have fundraised with us in the past. If you have a question if your group or organization may participate in a fundraise, please call the Garden Center and speak with a Manager.


National Honor Society, Band Booster, Marching Band, Orchestra, Prom Committee, Parent Teacher Organization (PTO/PTA), Field Trip, Yearbook, Choir, Preschool, Elementary, Middle, & High Schools, Chorus & Ensemble, Student Council, and more school groups.


Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, Cheer, Twirl, Dance, Gymnastics, Hockey, Lacrosse, Swim, Martial Arts, Bowling, Wrestling, Track & Field, Baseball, Softball, and more team sports.


All Denominations, Youth Group and Camp, Mission Trip, VBS, Sunday School, and more spiritual groups.


Girl Scout, Boy Scout, Cub Scout, American Heritage, and additional scout organizations.


Cancer Benefits, Relay for Life, Fighting Hunger, United Way, Charity, Susan G Komen, Animal Rescue, SADD, MADD, Veterans, Hospice, Conservation, and other cause-related associations.


Garden Clubs, Master Gardeners, Farmers’ Markets, 4H, Employee Associations, Health Clubs, Theatre, Square Dance, Rotary, Key, Civitan, and more!